TV Show Host

Don Lemon

Don Lemon is an anchor for CNN who rose to fame as a TV news host in Alabama and Pennsylvania.

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Don Lemon is an American TV show host and journalist. He is best known for his nightly show on CNN, where he reports on the latest news stories and offers his own commentary on current events. Over the years, Lemon has earned multiple awards and accolades for his reporting, including the honor of being named one of Time Magazine's Most Influential People in 2018.

<div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date'>1966</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Don Lemon is Born</div><div class='timeline-text'>On March 1, 1966, Don Lemon was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date'>1984</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Graduates from College</div><div class='timeline-text'>Lemon graduated from Brooklyn College in Brooklyn, New York with a degree in broadcast journalism.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date'>2003</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Joins NBC News</div><div class='timeline-text'>Lemon joined NBC News as a correspondent, where he worked on several major stories, including Hurricane Katrina in 2005.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date'>2006</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Joins CNN</div><div class='timeline-text'>Lemon left NBC and joined CNN where he became a prominent news anchor.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date'>2011</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Reveals He is Gay</div><div class='timeline-text'>In his memoir, "Transparent," Lemon publicly came out as gay, making him one of the few openly gay black men in broadcasting.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date'>2014</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Hosts "CNN Tonight"</div><div class='timeline-text'>Lemon began hosting "CNN Tonight," a late-night news show that covers the day's most important stories.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date'>2020</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Leading Voice for Social Justice</div><div class='timeline-text'>Lemon has become a leading voice in the fight for social justice, using his platform to discuss issues related to race and inequality.</div></div></div>

When is Don Lemon birthday?

Don Lemon, an American journalist, television news anchor and the host of CNN Tonight with Don Lemon, was born on March 1, 1966 and is currently 57. He is best known for his incisive analysis of current events, his moral clarity in discussing political and social issues, and his commitment to managing and creating conversation about sensitive topics.